Monday 2 September 2019

Nishtha Makwana


                 Hello readers, welcome to my new blog. The blog is about the task given by Vaidehi Hariyani, English department, Bhavnagar.

                 Every living creatures in the world have their own PURPOSE to live their lives. But we all perform our works or duties for some specific reason and profit. And we can  say to gain fame we do our duties. But there are some people who don't do just for their own, but also for society where  they are live. So including these things T.P. Kailasam wrote an amazing short play. Let's know something about him.

     T. P. Kailasam :

                 Thanjavur Paramasiva Kailasam, was an Indian playwright and prominent writer of Kannada literature. During his life he gained some title and name...

          Prahasana Prapitamaha  (The father of humorous play)

        Kannadakke Obbane Kailasam ( one and only Kailasam of Kannada )

                     He wrote so many plays in his during time in Kannada language and also in English.  Some of his famous plays are..   

                         ●   Fulfillment 
                         ●   Purpose             
                         ●  The Brahmin's curse

                      'PURPOSE' is his very short play. Let's something know about this........

      PURPOSE :

                         As we above discussed everyone has it's own purpose to do something.  PURPOSE is a short play dramatizing events that occurred in the Mahabharata, but from a different perspective. Or we can say for a different purpose he wrote this play. Kailasam's purpose is to presents some of the events not highlighted in Mahabharata. That events or issues which we can see also in our present time. 


               The short play includes some characters like




            The story is about  how power killed the talent and hardwork.

      Post viewing task

■ Compare and Contrast Arjun and Eklavya's Character

       Both characters Arjuna and Eklavya derived from 'Mahabharata'. And there is a large difference between both of them. Differences between their culture, their thinking and their PURPOSE. Both want to be an archery but the aim is different.



The Peince of Hastinapur 

A tribal boy

coming from 'Kshatriya'                caste, and from rich family.                                  

Coming from a lower caste 'Nishada'  and from poor family.                              

An arrogant powerful Prince, believing in caste different.

A humble and kind powerless boy, believing in all is equal to learn something. 

Wants to become the master of Archery 

 Wants to become an archery man to save the animals of jungle. 

His aim is self centered 

His aim is pure and right and not self centered. 

          So we can see that Arjuna is a self centered boy and his aim is just for....


       But EKLAVYA is not a self centered boy and his aim or purpose to learn archery is very pure and right.  He wants to save deer from woolf. 

■  What is Subaltern? Who do you think is the Subaltern in this play? Explain with examples.

    Meaning of SUBALTERN: 

           Subaltern means population from lower status.

 "In post-colonial studies and in critical theory, the term subaltern designates the colonial populations who are socially, politically, and geographically outside the hierarchy of power of a colony, and of the empire's metropolitan homeland".

                The population who has no power and high status. Who has to struggle for their identity and for a respectable place in the society. The population who marginalized by people from high class society. The people who have to fight for their rights. 

Subaltern in India

           We can find Subaltern in India in its caste differences. The upper caste people have all the power and lower caste and class people marginalized by them.

   Subaltern in 'Purpose'

              In this play the character of Eklavya is Subaltern. We can find when Drona denies to teach him the art of archery. Because he is a nishada boy and coming from lower caste. We can also find caste difference when Arjuna and Eklavya talking with each other. 





             So T P Kailasam described here caste and class difference.  We can find Eklavya as a Subaltern when he learned Archery better than Arjun by himself , without Guru Drona. Guru Drona afraid and asked him for 'Gurudakshina'. Eklavya was very faithful to his guru and immediately without thinking anything he cut his thumb.


    We can also find guru Drona as a Subaltern person. Because he is also powerless in front of Bhishma Pitamah. He promised to Bhishma to make Arjun the master of archery and the world's best archery man. When Eklavya says ' I'm a Nishada boy' then he says…


           So, Drona has no choice because he is powerless and gave promised to Bhishma and Arjuna. 

■ Write your views about Education system in India with reference to Past and Present time.

Education system in past : 

          Education system in the past in India was very bias. The people who are from upper caste only they can get an education. And only Brahmins can teach them. Only Kshatriya can learn all the art. We can also find 

       Guru shishya pranali

      The Kshatriya kings used to send their children in Gurukul. There were a system that guru teaches all the art in gurukul located in the jungle.

The education system was bias for girls in past time. Not only lower class girls but upper class girls also have no rights to get education.

Education system in Present time.

          In present time technology plays a vital role in the education system. And the Indian education system is also influenced by British education system. In now a day all have equal rights to learn, to gain knowledge, to prove their intelligence and all girls have equal right to get an education. But education system become more terrible for children. They believe that education is a burden. Because our education system is not good at one stage. Everyone not think in the same way. The perspective to see the think would be different. But our system to teach and learn is the same for everyone


       In India so many students committed suicide because they failed either failed to get more Marks. A terrible situation. In our system just first rank is valuable not other. And now a days system become terrible for nursery kids.

For better future we should change our education system.

■ Is Dronacharya an ideal teacher? If yes, then how? and If No, then Why? Explain with examples.

             No, according to me he is not an ideal teacher. This is true that at some point he is Subaltern and he has to obey the King. But to make arjuna the world's best archery he would not denies Eklavya for teaching. If he gave a promise so he has teach him and make him the best but not on the base of other's sacrifices and talent.

■ Write something about your experience like Eklavya or Arjuna with any teacher during your study phase till now. (Not necessary to mention any name)

Yes, when I was in 8th class I got 3rd rank in the class. And when our class teacher distributes the results he appreciates both two students who got 1st and 2nd rank but when I went to get my result he avoided me. And I felt very bad. In my school and high school days I saw so many teachers who were bias. They only pay attention then who are their familiar and whom who are from higher caste.

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